Sunday, May 19, 2019

Pearl Harbor

One fun thing about Oahu is the amount of popular tourist attractions on the island, one being Pearl Harbor. 
Pearl Harbor was neat and I am so glad we got to go but it was not what I expected. I thought it would be more of a 
Pearl Harbor tour giving specifics and learning more about the people and things that happened on that day. 
Instead it was more of a WW2 museum. Still interesting, but I was wanted to learn more about the actual event of Pearl Harbor. 

^Behind is is the Arizona Memorial (the white rectangle). The Arizona was one of the first battleships hit and 
sunk at Pearl Harbor. That attack on that ship alone killed 1,117 men.^ 

Right before the Japanese attack, the Arizona had been filled with fuel as it was soon going to make a trip to the mainland. 
It was bombed before that could happen and the oil still leaks out a little over 2 gallons a day! 

Unfortunately we were unable to go out on the memorial because it was having repairs being done.
We were able to go out on a boat and drive by and see some of the ship sticking out from the water, but that was about it.
That little boat tour is free so I would do it again to actually go out on the memorial. 

And this picture an anchor from the Arizona. That thing is huge! And the ship had 3 of them! 

We were able to tour a submarine that was used during WW2. Not present at Pearl Harbor but used near the end of the war. 
Interesting, and I've never toured a sub before, so check that off the list!

^These door frames were so tiny. Everything is packed inside the submarine.^

This was a piece of paper that the Marines had that in case they were separated from the crew they could semi communicate. 
It was written in several different languages, mainly Asian ones. One being Annamese. Turns out it's Vietnamese and Andrew 
was able to translate the paper because it did not have tell us what it said in English. Basically it said the marine was 
separated from their crew, and they cannot speak the language. If the people there could help them find Americans and 
give them food and shelter, the American country will be grateful. 

We got back to the condo. Swam on the beach and went hot tubing. 
One of my favorite ways to spend the rest of the day. 

That night we had hamburgers from the grill and ate outside. 
It was dark, and the light was from the tiki torches they lit, and a fun atmosphere to be in.
Hawaiian all the way!

We are so excited for Memorial Day this weekend! 
We have been looking at things to do in Utah, but the problem is everything we were thinking of, is not suitable for
the raining Utah weather that has been going on nonstop! haha! 
Any fun summer suggestions that does not involve us getting wet with rain or getting all muddy, send them our way! 

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