Friday, April 15, 2016

The Proposal- Andrew's Story Part One

Here is Andrew's story of the proposal. I have been asking him for a month and he finally gave it to me! Once I got it I can see why it took him some time. It was long! Six pages! I've done some simplifying, and some with my own words. But the main part of it all, are his words. If it doesn't flow right, that's my lack of editing skills, not his lack of effective writing.

Here's how it happened from Andrew's point of view:

I knew it was coming sometime soon. We had been getting closer and closer to one another over the past few months. We were continuing to make the most of our long distance relationship. The first time we talked about marriage it was the beginning of December and I was up in Logan visiting Audrey. We were just talking in her apartment and then it slowly led to talking about our relationship. We talked about the love that we had for one another and how we wanted to be together forever. That conversation led to several other smaller conversations about future plans together, but still nothing serious about actually getting married and when that would happen.

First Time Ring Shopping
On Christmas night, Audrey and I were talking. As we were talking it led to marriage and we started tossing dates around and talking about when would be best. The next day was Saturday and we went ring shopping for the first time. We were both nervous and worried that someone might see us when
we didn't want anyone knowing about it yet.

In the meantime, we needed to tell our parents that we were planning to get married. I told my parents while we were sitting at home. They didn't seem too overly surprised when I filled them in on everything. They were more surprised that we had been out ring shopping already.

I bought the ring on January 11th and I went over to her parent's house on the 13th to ask him about marrying Audrey. We ended up having a good conversation together talking about Audrey, both of our qualities, our plans, etc.

Ring, check. Ask her parents, check. Now I had to propose. All along, I was planning to propose on February 12th, the one-year anniversary of our first date. But now that I was in the clear and had the go ahead to do it, I thought why should I wait? I guessed that Audrey was probably expecting it on that date, so if I did a different day it would be much more of a surprise. I had told her parents that I already had the ring and was thinking about proposing just a few days later that weekend. 

It was proposal planning time. I had no idea what to do or how to propose to her. I wanted to make it something that would be special, secluded with few people around, and something that she would not see coming from a mile away. I started brainstorming with my sister Amy and my parents. We thought of going up to the Scheel’s sports store and proposing on the Ferris Wheel there. I didn’t like that as it was long drive, not good for pictures, and people around. We threw around a few other ideas, but none of them seemed right.

Then, Thursday night Amy came up with the idea of doing it in my aunt and uncle, Nancy and Gifford’s, backyard. They live in South Orem on a hill that overlooks Provo. At the back corner of the yard, they have a little strip of land that goes down the side of the hill to a little patio that overlooks more of the city and the Provo Temple. At first I wasn’t sure, but the more I thought about it, the more I really liked the idea. My mom called and talked to Nancy about it and I got the go ahead to do it. 

Audrey’s mom called me to let me know that she had been talking with Audrey, and Audrey was sure that I was not going to propose until February 12th. She had no idea that I had bought the ring and was not expecting it so immediately. Pulling it all together was pretty easy. I didn’t have work on Friday, so I called my friend Jason and he was the first friend to find out that I was going to propose. When I told him over the phone he yelled and yelled in excitement. I asked if he could do me a favor and help me get some really nice flowers for the proposal. He was thrilled and not only said of course he’d help with the flowers, but he also wanted to help set it all up and make it nice. 

And there's more! And this story is to be continued :) 

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