My Grandma passed away earlier this month and I feel I don't even know how to react.
She has always been there for me and has tried to make each moment of my life special.
I remember one year when I was little, my Grandma had back surgery. We went out to Nebraska to be with her and
my Grandpa and since we could not go down to the basement to work on crafts, we made felt Christmas ornaments
on her bed. I guess before her surgery, she had previously ironed Christmas decals onto the felt beforehand. Then on
her bed we stuffed them with cotton and hand sewed them together. Those ornaments hang on my tree every year.
My parents are both from Nebraska, so we would go there every Christmas and stay at my Grandparent's home.
She made it a huge affair! Her house would be decorated from top to bottom in Christmas decorations.
Christmas Eve was a special feast with lobster and a beautiful decorated table. Christmas morning there were
always beautiful gifts that far exceeded my expectations.

When I turned 8 years old and was baptized she supplied all the decorations. Even though we had different beliefs,
she knew it was a special occasion for me, and wanted to contribute.
I would spend a few weeks on my own with my Grandparents during the summer. She would let me watch Saturday morning
cartoons in my Grandpa's favorite chair and would serve me breakfast. We had so many tea parties together and
she would always read to me.
When Grandparent's day would come at school, the grandparents would come and we would do a presentation for them.
My Grandparent's were never able to come because they lived in Nebraska, but my Grandma would always send a
care package to my brother and I and they would tell us how much they wished they could be there.
When I was 9 years old, my family and I moved into a new house with a mother-in-law apartment so my Grandparents
could move from Nebraska and live with us in Utah. For most of my life, she has been always so close.
Their house was always stocked with chocolate chip cookies. She was always available to talk.
For Sunday dinners my Grandparents would come upstairs to our home and we rarely missed a Sunday dinner together.
If I ever needed anything, she was the one to help. Materials for school projects, Grandma had it.
When I entered high school and went to different dances, I think she bought every dress for me. When I graduated
from high school, my Grandparents gave me a laptop for my gift. When I went on my mission she bought all
of the clothes I needed. And when I came home, she was there to welcome me back.
^Skyping from my mission^
When I got married she asked for some suggestions of a wedding gift and she got my everything I had suggested.
I had not expected her to get my everything I said, rather they were just ideas. She kept saying,"What else can I get you?"
Andrew and I just kept telling her she did more than enough and we refused to give her any more ideas.
She just wanted to give us anything she could. That was simply they way she had always lived her life.
her life, walking was really difficult for her and Andrew and I were on the 2nd level with no elevator. We brought
my Grandma over and she literally crawled up those stairs and we had dinner with her. It was so much fun to have her with us.
For this new year I was writing in all birthdays into my planner and as I was writing in my Grandma's birthday on
February 18, I had a thought that she wouldn't make it to her birthday. She had been doing fairly well and nothing
huge had changed in her health. A few days later she was admitted to the hospital.
We were in and out to visit her for a few days. One night Andrew asked if I wanted to see her before going home.
I was hesitant because of visiting hours but we decided to go. She was aware we were there and kept repeating,
"I am so surprised," which is what my Grandma would say anytime I would visit her.
The next day, my Grandma passed. I am so glad I saw her the previous night and got to have that last moment with her.

My parents and I drove out to Nebraska for her funeral and she looked beautiful. It was difficult saying goodbye.
She has been such a wonderful grandparent and I am so glad I was blessed with her.
Happy Birthday Grandma! I wish you were here with us so we could celebrate your day!