Thursday, December 31, 2020


 We had our 20 week ultrasound appointment earlier this week and we were able to find out that Baby Earl is a BOY! 

When Andrew and I found out, I don't think we were too surprised. I had a feeling that we were having boy from
the very beginning and I think that rubbed off on Andrew. haha. I think he is just overjoyed to have someone to
play basketball with! 

We had our ultrasound and our technician was SO good! I mean, how many ultrasounds does she do a day? But she
gushed over everything like it was her first time seeing it as well.  She also did an great job explaining everything and it
was amazing to see just how much our baby is growing! On our last ultrasound when I was 9 weeks, baby was just a
little ball. Now, he looked like a actual baby! Hands, feet, his brain divided into two hemispheres, we were even able
to see all 4 chambers of the heart and see the heart actually pumping! And the heart is only about the size of a fingernail!
So tiny, but already so developed. When we saw everything that there was to see, our technician asked us if there was anything
we would like to see again and we took a couple more minutes. 

It was pretty neat to see baby moving around and thinking that it was happening inside of me.
Sometimes I was able to feel the movement and see it at the same time! Neatest thing ever! Our technician also
said that we got some really good pictures because our baby was all sprawled out. She said that often they are curled
up into a ball or doing summersaults. 

We did do a little gender reveal gathering (not party, because Covid), with our family and one of our couple friends
who was in town for the holidays. It was a lot of fun to announce the gender in a fun way vs. just telling them. 
Andrew and I found out the gender in the ultrasound room. Andrew really wanted to find out together before 
everyone else and I wanted to find out with everyone but I finally agreed to find out with him. I really don't think
there's any right or wrong way to do it, but someday I want to be surprised with the group ;) 

It was so fun to do a gender reveal though! We all gathered outside so it was a little cold but it was fun to see everyone
find out as the smoke started to reveal we were having a boy! My mom started crying which I was NOT expecting
but I guess I should not have been surprised. 

^And we were rebels, directions said not to hold in our hands, but we did it anyways^

Today we went shopping for baby boy and Andrew and I had so much fun! Though we are both over the moon
with our baby, I think Andrew has me beat with how excited he is! We bought some outfits and we love to imagine
our baby one day wearing them. We have bought so many things for baby already but today was the first time
buying things specifically for our baby BOY! 

In other pregnancy news:

I don't have any bump pictures because while there is definitely some extra growth there, I just feel fat. None of my
clothes fit (Christmas break has been SO nice because I've just wearing leggings, joggers, and sweatshirts
the entire time) so I need to go on a little shopping trip. 

No big pregnancy symptoms except that I am constantly achy. Thank goodness Andrew is such a wonderful
human being and rubs my back. Over Christmas I think he did it for an hour and and a half straight! But I'll take
the body aches over being nauseous any day! 2nd trimester I can actually function and be more active! 

Baby is very active. It's hard to describe. I started to feel him sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas
but I wasn't sure if it was just my body or baby. The best way I can describe it as is a poking feeling but in a
wavelike way. I have no idea if that makes any sense, but it's so weird. 

We are ending 2020 with the happiest way we can imagine and we are anxiously waiting for May when we can
meet our sweet little baby! 

Thursday, November 26, 2020

We're Going to Have a Baby!

The news is out!
We are going to have our first little baby
and we could not be more excited!

After four years of marriage, Andrew and I felt it was time we should add a baby to our family.
I was always told, "you'll know when the time is right."
We never had this inspiring moment where we KNEW it was time but we just felt, "What next?"
I finished with my Bachelors in December and Andrew finished his Masters in August. We traveled a lot and felt we had checked everything off in the newlywed stage.
and for a few months we just felt like we were bobbing around in the ocean.  We felt like it was time to start moving forward and we felt we could do that by adding to our family. 

Andrew and I started trying a few months ago, hoping I would get pregnant quickly, but also knowing the reality that it could take at least a few months or years.
Sooooo, I was super surprised to find out that we were pregnant on our FIRST try!
(more about me finding out I was pregnant later.) 

I have been sooo lucky with symptoms.
I've been feeling pretty nauseous throughout the past few weeks, but I've only thrown up ~6 times.

The first time Andrew was making something with garlic and I could not handle the smell. I went to brush my teeth and with the combination of the smell and making it harder to breath when brushing my teeth, I could not take it, and that was that.

The following times have all been brushing my teeth. For some reason having something in my mouth makes my nausea worse and it doesn't always end well. And once I threw up water because my stomach was being annoying. Besides that, I've been doing really well in the nausea department. 

I've also been tired ALL the time (which is now tons better now 1st trimester is over). Those first 3 months were:
work, nap, small dinner, sleep, and repeat.
Andrew and I had a pretty exciting life going on.

At 9 weeks, we had our first ultrasound and Andrew and I got to see our little babe and hear little baby Earl's heartbeat. I was so grateful Andrew was able to be there and experience it with me and covid didn't ruin that part of our excitement! 

We are already so in love with our little babe and can't wait to meet face to face.

It doesn't seem too real yet... sometimes I wonder if I'm just making it up in my mind. But I'm sure it will get more real when my belly becomes bigger. 


Tomorrow I will share a fun video of how I told Andrew. We are so happy that this secret it OUT! Keeping it was the worst. 15 weeks along and this little baby already has our hearts! We love you little baby Earl and are so thankful to have you.

Monday, August 31, 2020


Andrew graduated with his Masters and I could not be more proud of him! 
Obviously there was no graduation ceremony... but this was still a pretty special moment.

This guy amazes me!
For 2 years he worked full time and went to school part time.
Every night he would go to bed around 2:00 or 3:00 getting everything done.
And he still managed to do things around our house while I was going to school. 

One thing that I noticed about Andrew when we were dating is how hard working he is!
He puts 110% into everything he does and he always is willing to help and do more than is share.
And with his schooling, there was no exception. 
If there is such a thing as superman, Andrew checks everything off the list. 

Dear handsome husband of mine.
I am SO proud of you!
I don't think I can ever say that enough.
and hey!
no more homework! ever! 

Congrats! You are one incredible hard working human! 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Tassel was Worth the Hassle!

Where do I even begin? I can't start with "I finished my bachelors," because I technically finished in December. 
And I can't say, "I walked for graduation," because that was cancelled due to Covid. But I guess I can say I have 
the pictures to prove I have my bachelors degree! 

There was no fanfare, no switching the tassel to the left side, no singing the Scottsman, and no walk 
across the stage with my name being called and being handed my diploma cover. But I did it! 

There have been so many miracles that have led me to where I am. When I applied for college back in high school 
I applied as a nursing major and that quickly changed when I took anatomy. 
Interesting, but not good on my eyes. haha. 
I then thought about an elementary school teacher because that was something I had always had an interest in 
but I still wasn't 100% on board with that career decision. I was talking about career choices with a friend and 
she suggested special education to me. I immediately turned down the idea because it never even crossed my
 mind because it was something I never had any interest in. 

Somehow this friend and I ended up taking an institute class (religion class for young adults during the week) 
with adults with special needs. From day one I loved it and soon after that I found myself switching majors to 
special education. A few weeks after I changed me major, I got a powerful understanding from God that I 
made the right choice. 

For the rest of my freshman year and my sophomore year of college, I took all the prerequisites I needed before 
leaving on my mission. When I came back from my mission the special education department added one 
additional math class that I needed to take before I could apply to the program. Since I had not taken a math class 
in over a year I needed to take an additional math class before the one I actually needed. 

This is where my college journey got really complicated 
but also where the miracles started to come one after another. 

For some reason I can't fully remember, I was not able to take the Math 1050 at Utah State, but I really needed 
that ONE class! Andrew and I were married and I moved down to Provo. Thankfully I had applied to BYU earlier 
that year and was able to take the equivalent math class there for the summer semester (which turns out is a lot
 harder than the USU one). 

I'm going to be honest, I did not do too well in that class. But apparently many people were in the same boat as I was. 
Our professor said that if 20 things could go wrong in a semester, all 20 things went wrong that semester. If I 
did not pass the math class it would have added another year to my major because the special education 
department only accepted applications at the beginning of fall semester. 
By some miracle, I got the EXACT grade I needed to apply for my major! 

Andrew and I were going to move up to Logan for me to finish school, but that didn't pan out the way we had planned. 
We looked at BYU and UVU (local universities in the Provo area) for my special education degree. BYU had 
my graduation date a year later and had a lot more hoops to jump through and UVU did not have my emphasis. 
Those options were out. 

At the last minute, Andrew found that Utah State had a distance campus in the Provo area. At the time they only 
offered classes for the special education degree every 2 years and 2016 was one of the years! 
How in the world does this happen? Another miracle! 

As I was applying to the special education program I had everything I needed except two things. 
#1 My math ACT score was 1 point lower than the requirement. I needed to take that part over again. I was getting 
my appointment set up to take the test and Utah State contacted me saying since it was just one point and I 
have had such good grades for the past 3 years of school, they would waive it and would accept my original ACT 
math score. (Are you keeping track of the miracles?)
#2 I had not taken the Praxis test, but they said if I signed up to take it and passed all 4 sections before student teaching
 they would let me in. (Thank you and add that to the miracle list.) 

I was accepted into the program and I got a job working at a school in a special education classroom which was 
the perfect way to gain experience in my field. After work I went to class twice a week, often from 4:30-10:30. 

I took the Praxis and passed the language arts and history sections. Which were the two sections I had actually 
studied for. I only needed to pass the math and science sections and then I would be good! The Praxis test stressed 
me out and I avoided it for 3 years (not my best idea). It was Summer 2019 and there was no way I could avoid 
it anymore because student teaching was in the fall. I literally signed up on the very last dates I could and studied 
my brain out with many, many tears. 

I went in to take the first test (science) and I look at the first problem, and it was not even close to the types of 
questions I had been studying. And I was studying from Praxis handbook! I did the best I could and really, I 
just guessed. The next day I took the math section. Same deal. Nothing was even close to the problems I had studied. 
I hadn't even seen most of this stuff in college and this was an elementary education test! Some of the problems I 
couldn't even guess on because it was fill in the blank and I just left it blank. 

Once again, miracles happened. I passed BOTH the science and the math sections with at least 10 points above 
the score I needed! Even though it was my procrastination and stress that led to a last minute attempt, miracles still came.  

I finished my student teaching in December and I was able to get a full time job in the middle of the school year! 
Mountains seemed to have literally been moved me during my college experience. 
I know God guided me to my career and I know that He helped me every single step of the way! 

Special education has a special place in my heart. 
It's been amazing to see how God has led me to where I need to be. 

And last little miracle. Andrew and I went up to Logan to take pictures on the Utah State campus in my grad gear 
at the beginning of August. When I was getting dressed in the morning we realized that we left the cap and tassel at 
home (and that's a two hour drive away). Thankfully my mother-in-law had brought a spare graduation cap they 
had but nothing could be done about the tassel. I don't know how other universities do it, but Utah State has 
different colored tassels depending on your major and there are 9 different colored tassels total!
Andrew said to just go up to campus and make the best of it and we could possibly come back later with the 
tassel and take more pictures on a different weekend. This is the amazing part. Graduation pictures are not a 
thing because graduation day has already happened for spring semester and it's a little early for summer semester 
graduates. There were two girls walking and Andrew saw they had the exact colored tassel I needed. They only had 
a hat and tassel, nothing else. We asked if we could borrow the tassel and they said yes! I know how silly that 
sounds, but it was something that mattered to me. We were able to get the pictures I needed and they waited for us. 
No one was taking graduation pictures, and the one person that was, had the light blue tassel I needed.
Talk about God taking care of even the small things. 

And just to brag about my university, it was ranked 29th in the nation in education!
 I feel like that's pretty good standing when we're talking about the entire country! 

I never thought I would do special education. When I was in high school I signed up for an elementary 
school class where I would go to a local elementary school and work for a class period in the classroom. 
I somehow got placed in a special education classroom and the teacher told me to never go into special education 
because of how much paper work there is. I told her "Not a problem! It's not something I want to do." 

But Heavenly Father knows me better than I know myself. When I was young my favorite song in 
church was, "I'll Walk with You." I would pick that song anytime I was chosen on to choose the song 
to sing. Here are the lyrics for those who might not be familiar with the song.

"If you don’t walk as most people do,

Some people walk away from you,

But I won’t! I won’t!

If you don’t talk as most people do,

Some people talk and laugh at you,

But I won’t! I won’t!

I’ll walk with you. I’ll talk with you.

That’s how I’ll show my love for you.

Jesus walked away from none.

He gave his love to ev’ryone.

So I will! I will!

Jesus blessed all he could see,

Then turned and said, “Come, follow me.”

And I will! I will!

I will! I will!

I’ll walk with you. I’ll talk with you.

That’s how I’ll show my love for you."

I guess it has always been in the plan for my life. I just didn't realize it.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Quarantine Diaries

I feel that we have not even been living reality. It’s like a movie, an event in history, or what you watch on the news. 
It’s so hard to wrap my mind around it all. 

As everyone in the world knows, we have been living in quarantine because of corona. 
This is something I never expected to happen in my entire life! 

School has been crazy. We had just a few days to put material online for our kids. There were many days were
I have been up till 4:00 in the morning trying to get it all put together.

Then Utah had an earthquake soon after the quarantine was put in place. It scored a 5.7! I didn't feel it because I
was up till 4:00, so I was dead asleep, but how does this all happen all at once? 

Andrew & I started working from home.

We've been going on a lot of walks. 

This is how our faces look in public now.

We started refinishing an old piece of furniture of my grandparents.

Krispy Kream gave all graduates of 2020 a dozen box of donuts.
Since Andrew and I both had our graduations cancelled due to Covid we each got a box. And we did share those. 

A lot of places have been offering free drive in movies and we have been taking full advantage. 
We sure do love our CRV. 

We have been spending a lot of time grilling.

And upping our tennis game. 

The elementary school I work at did a drive by parade. The teachers stood on the curb and the students were in
their cars and drove by. It was a lot of fun to see people again!

And look at Andrew's hair! Since everything has been closed, including hair salons and barber shops, there was
no way to cut his hair (and I don't have the skill level to even attempt).
This was the day before he finally got it it cut. 

I miss going to work and seeing my students and coworkers. I miss going to the gym (we were able to get a
stationary exercise bike which has been super helpful). I miss friends and family. I miss not worrying about getting
too close to people! We've had events cancelled (like both of our graduations, and Andrew had two international
trips) but quarantine life has also been pretty good to us. 

I love having meals together. In all seriousness, we had more meals in the first two weeks of quarantine
than we have had in the past two years- not exaggerating.

Andrew has gotten me hooked on the show, "Last Ship." It's so good. On a few occasions we have watched
4 episodes in a row. It's on Hulu and it's a MUST WATCH!

We have been doing outdoor workouts and having game nights with each other. 

We have been working on projects that never seem to get done like organizing photos and videos
and updating my journal. 

When life returns to normal, I hope we get to keep some things from our quarantined life. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

"The only way to take sorrow out of death is to take love out of life."

My Grandma passed away earlier this month and I feel I don't even know how to react. 
She has always been there for me and has tried to make each moment of my life special.

I remember one year when I was little, my Grandma had back surgery. We went out to Nebraska to be with her and 
my Grandpa and since we could not go down to the basement to work on crafts, we made felt Christmas ornaments 
on her bed. I guess before her surgery, she had previously ironed Christmas decals onto the felt beforehand. Then on 
her bed we stuffed them with cotton and hand sewed them together. Those ornaments hang on my tree every year. 

My parents are both from Nebraska, so we would go there every Christmas and stay at my Grandparent's home.
She made it a huge affair! Her house would be decorated from top to bottom in Christmas decorations. 
Christmas Eve was a special feast with lobster and a beautiful decorated table. Christmas morning there were 
always beautiful gifts that far exceeded my expectations. 

When I turned 8 years old and was baptized she supplied all the decorations. Even though we had different beliefs, 
she knew it was a special occasion for me, and wanted to contribute. 

I would spend a few weeks on my own with my Grandparents during the summer. She would let me watch Saturday morning 
cartoons in my Grandpa's favorite chair and would serve me breakfast. We had so many tea parties together and 
she would always read to me. 

When Grandparent's day would come at school, the grandparents would come and we would do a presentation for them. 
My Grandparent's were never able to come because they lived in Nebraska, but my Grandma would always send a 
care package to my brother and I and they would tell us how much they wished they could be there.

When I was 9 years old, my family and I moved into a new house with a mother-in-law apartment so my Grandparents 
could move from Nebraska and live with us in Utah. For most of my life, she has been always so close.

Their house was always stocked with chocolate chip cookies. She was always available to talk. 
For Sunday dinners my Grandparents would come upstairs to our home and we rarely missed a Sunday dinner together. 

If I ever needed anything, she was the one to help. Materials for school projects, Grandma had it.
When I entered high school and went to different dances, I think she bought every dress for me. When I graduated 
from high school, my Grandparents gave me a laptop for my gift. When I went on my mission she bought all 
of the clothes I needed. And when I came home, she was there to welcome me back. 

^Skyping from my mission^

When I got married she asked for some suggestions of a wedding gift and she got my everything I had suggested. 
I had not expected her to get my everything I said, rather they were just ideas. She kept saying,"What else can I get you?" 
Andrew and I just kept telling her she did more than enough and we refused to give her any more ideas. 
She just wanted to give us anything she could. That was simply they way she had always lived her life. 

Two years ago, Andrew and I moved to a different apartment and my Grandma wanted to see it. At this point of 
her life, walking was really difficult for her and Andrew and I were on the 2nd level with no elevator. We brought 
my Grandma over and she literally crawled up those stairs and we had dinner with her. It was so much fun to have her with us.

For this new year I was writing in all birthdays into my planner and as I was writing in my Grandma's birthday on 
February 18, I had a thought that she wouldn't make it to her birthday. She had been doing fairly well and nothing 
huge had changed in her health. A few days later she was admitted to the hospital. 

We were in and out to visit her for a few days. One night Andrew asked if I wanted to see her before going home. 
I was hesitant because of visiting hours but we decided to go. She was aware we were there and kept repeating, 
"I am so surprised," which is what my Grandma would say anytime I would visit her. 
The next day, my Grandma passed. I am so glad I saw her the previous night and got to have that last moment with her. 

My parents and I drove out to Nebraska for her funeral and she looked beautiful. It was difficult saying goodbye. 
She has been such a wonderful grandparent and I am so glad I was blessed with her. 

Happy Birthday Grandma! I wish you were here with us so we could celebrate your day!

Monday, January 27, 2020

Forever & Always a Part of Home

Five years! It’s been five years since I’ve come home from my mission and I don’t know where the time has gone! 
Five years ago today when I arrived at the airport and saw my parents at the bottom of the escalator and I 
remember I just started bawling 😭 Not because I was excited to be home but because when I saw my family it hit 
me that my mission was over and I wasn’t ready for that. I stayed at the top of those stairs for 15 minutes trying 
to get myself together as I saw other missionaries reunite with their families. I finally made it down the stairs and 
hugged my mom and I started crying all over again because I was so sad to be home. (Please tell me I’m not the only one!) ⁣

My mission was an unforgettable 18 months where I deeply connected with my God and his Son. That year and 
a half is where I greater understood how important it is to act on the things I believe. When I acted my faith grew. 
When I acted, my love for others around me grew. When I acted, I grew. ⁣

The Anaheim, California area will always have a very special place in my heart and it will always be a piece of my home. ❤️🏠⁣

(And yes, I cried writing this. My memories of my mission are so special, that it’s impossible not to reflect on 
those experiences with with so much joy. And sometimes I want more of that 24/7 missionary work back in 
my life because it sure created some unforgettable moments.)

Life 5 Years Later

Being done with school! No more homework. It's beautiful! 


Looking Forward To: 
Walking for graduation in May

Not really anything right now. Loosely, Harry Potter #1 

Special Education Teacher!

Working On:
Putting my classroom together. 

Current Church Calling:
Compassionate Service Leader

How My Testimony Has Grown:
One thing that I have really grown to realize more this past year is how much God cares about me and my life plans. When I started my first year of college, special education was not on my radar. A friend had suggested it to me and I said, "Not happening." I don't know how but before fall semester ended, I was full speed ahead with special ed, and I felt very strongly that it was the correct career choice for me. Many obstacles came into my life that made it difficult to pursue my major, but time after time, my Heavenly Father was there to make sure I could overcome the barriers, or in some cases they would be completely removed.  I prayed so many times for things to work out. 

One major thing that I prayed for was to pass my Praxis test in Math and Science- my two worst subjects. I had avoided taking it because I was so stressed about it, I didn't even want to think about it. But the time came where I needed to take both sections of the test if I wanted to student teach that fall. Without passing them, I would not be able to move forward in my schooling and would have to hold of student teaching. I know it was my fault, and my poor planning. I studied so much for those sections and poured over study guides the praxis test provided. I spent hours a day studying and tears came. I finally booked my test dates at the beginning of August (student teaching started 3 weeks later) and it came to the point where the only thing I could do was pray. I went to my first test, science. I looked at the first question, and I was like, "How in the world does this even relate to what I studied for?" And that is how it was for the majority of the test. I was simply guessing. The next day, I took the math test. Same thing. I had not even done some of that stuff in college. It was not even close to the elementary math that they gave on the study material. Some answers were fill in  the blank and I had no idea, so I could not even guess. When I walked out I knew I did the best I could and I hoped it would be enough. When I got my results back I found out that I had passed both sections on my test and not just barely, but well over the minimum mark! There is NO WAY I could have done that on my own. Prayer is real! God listens. I was able to student teach, get my degree, and find a job. Miracles happen!

There have been a few times during the year with other things where I prayed for something to happen. These were things that were completely out of my control. I could do nothing to make it happen. In that week, my prayer was not answered once, but twice! And it happened a few other times through out the year as well. Prayer is real! God listens.

I know that every time I pray, things won't always happen the way I wish. I just feel with the first experience I shared with special education, my want was aligned with God and He fought with me to make it happen. With my second experience, I feel it was something that was simple and not too life altering, but just a simple desire that was hard for me to not receive. I still struggle with it to this day, and I do all I can to make it better, but usually it's out of my own power and I just have to hope everything works out. But what I do know is that prayer is real. God listens to me and He loves me more than I understand. And miracles happen daily. 

And here's past blog posts about marking my return home:

Monday, January 6, 2020

Officially a Teacher!

When I was little I wanted to be an artist 👩🏼‍🎨, a ballerina 🩰, a farmer 👩🏼‍🌾, and a teacher 👩🏼‍🏫 all at the
same time and I told my mom I would be too busy to see her 🤷🏼‍♀️. With many prayers answered and miracles 
experienced (I mean, mountains being moved!), one of those dreams came true. 
Today was my first day of my first year of teaching! 🤍⁣

^Look at how well Andrew did at decorating my door^

This day has been a long time coming! I started my college degree back in 2011, little did I know it would be 
8 years later till I would graduate! I knew I wanted to major in special education soon after I started my first 
semester of college and started to peruse it right away (by divine guidance). 

The first two years were easy. I got everything done that I needed to. I left for my mission after my sophomore year 
with everything lined up to apply for my major when I got back. (I could not apply beforehand because I needed to 
take a math test in September to apply to the program in October, and I left in July) . 

I went on my mission and I would not trade that experience for anything.
I got back at the end of January, so I took a semester off waiting for the fall semester to start.
I started to get information about it and it turned  out while I was on my mission, the special education department 
had added an additional math class I needed to take before I could apply to the program, and since I had not 
taken a math class in over a year, I needed to take an additional math class before that (which I had already taken 
my freshman year of college). 

 I just added another year so I could tack on ONE prerequisite for my major. 
Frustrating but doable. 

At the end of my junior year I got married, and moved down to Provo and applied for the distance education 
program along with my special education program and I got in! But the distance program was not offering any 
of the classes I needed for Fall 2016 semester. I looked into BYU and UVU for classes that would 
transfer to USU, but none were offered. So I took another semester off. 

FINALLY I could take classes in January on the distance education campus and online. 
I was a part time student but I was moving forward! 

While I was doing part time school I worked at a local elementary school being a special education aide 
(it's like a supporting teacher). I really got to experience my career choice first hand and I got to do a lot of 
my assignments for school in class. It worked out so well and I had so much support from my job! I worked 
there for 3 years with the best people! 

Student teaching time came, and I was offered an internship at my current school to teach for 1 full year in 
the special education 4th-6th grade class. As much as I hated to leave, I turned it down because I wanted new 
experiences and ideas. At the end of my student teaching, I was informed that my old school had the 4th-6th grade
 class position open and wanted me to apply. 

I applied, interviewed, and got the job!
Today was my first official day and it feels so good to be back! 
I'm working with a lot of the kids I had before when they were in 1st-3rd grade.
I'm also happy to be working with the 1st-3rd special education teacher again because I was an aide in her 
classroom for 3 years and she's pure genius. 

My parents came by after school and brought me balloons to celebrate. 
It was a good first day back (even if I had to chase a student to walk and follow directions, haha!).
I love where I'm at and I'm excited to finish out the remainder of the year! 

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