This week Andrew and I went to Bear Lake with his family. The last and only time I was here was with Andrew.
We had just started our long distance relationship. He came up to Logan and from there we traveled to Bear Lake.
We stayed at a local KOA and we each brought our own tent to sleep in. Before the trip I asked my parents for a tent
and other camping supplies. How the conversation with my parents went:
Me: "Hey Andrew and I are going camping. Can I borrow a tent?"
Parents: "Sure, here you go."
Me: "This is Blake's old tent and I think the poles are broken."
Parents: "No, we just used it at Lake Powell last year, the poles are fine."
Me: "Ok then."
When Andrew and I were setting up our tents, I get my tent out to set it up but I had a problem. I could not find the poles.
I thought they were broken, but no, they were non existent. Turns out my parents used my tent which had the poles in full
contact and present. Blake left the poles somewhere a long time ago. And that's the tent I got. Blake's.
And that night I slept in Andrew's tent. When I told my parents that story they thought it was the funniest thing ever.
I did warn them in advance.
This time with the Earl's we had our own town home rental. No tents and no missing poles. haha.
When Andrew and I were in Bear Lake we went in September and the weather was definitely cooling off.
This time around we went the summer and the weather was much for enjoyable.
We got a ski-do, a 2 person kayak, and a paddle board (my fav).
We enjoyed our time there so much. It's such a good summer place to go.
^Ryan was paddling along and the ore broke out of nowhere^
We literally soaked up the sun. Not even joking.
Lesson learned: Always, always apply sunscreen and reapply.
^My lobster legs^
This was by far the worst sunburn of my life.
I mean, if I sat or stood still for too long it was so painful to move.
It felt like my skin was stretched out tight so when I would bend after staying still, no bueno.
I was walking like an old lady for a couple of days. haha.
The next day we went and toured a local cave nearby. One of the best things to do after getting a sunburn.
Out of the rays of the sun that would hurt even through layers of clothing.
^In the cave there was this staircase, good thing I've been working out!^
Back at the town home we played Saboteur which is a game that Ryan brought back from his mission. I think I lost every time but
I still loved it. In the game you are either a miner or a saboteur and the object is to sabotage the other person's game plan.
I introduced Ryan to my favorite game, Camel Up and he loved it. We played that game on repeat.
We swam (at night when the sun was not out), read, ate the famous raspberry shakes,
and applied lots and lots of aloe vera.
We went back home but we didn't want our vacation to end.
There is a trail near Andrew's home that overlooks the valley and we hiked that and then went to roast
marshmallows over the campfire after.
I love days like this.