Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Anaheim, California ❤️

A year ago today I came home from California with the most life changing experience. ✈️ My mission changed me in so many different ways. I continue to count my blessings from my mission to this day! I have come to have a greater love and appreciation for the scriptures. I have come to see the power they have and to use them as my main resource. I have learned more deeply of my relationship with my Father and with my Savior. They love me so much despite all of my weaknesses, shortcomings, and quirks. I have learned how to sincerely pray. Not only the how but also the want and the need to. I have learned what love is. I met and talked to strangers about Christ and His restored gospel and I wanted them to have the same thing that I did because it has made me so incredibly happy and I wanted them feel that happiness too. I have successfully learned how to identify a Toyota Corolla, I have learned how not to be found in cops and robbers, the whole script of Johnny Lingo and the Restoration, how to make music videos to missionary music, musubi is a new favorite food, and that Disneyland has the best fireworks! I have learned that service is vital to happiness. I have learned that we are meant to be in certain places at specific times. I have learned about the the atonement of Christ, prophets, revelation, eternal families, the list goes on! My mission is everything to me. The place and the people will always have a special place in my heart. ❤️
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