Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Disneyland with the Fam

Growing up my brother and I were the only cousins that were our age, everyone else was older (by 15-20 years) and my parents did not want to drag us to Thanksgiving where we would sit and be bored. Instead of hosting or attending the traditional Thanksgiving meal, they decided to travel for Thanksgiving instead. It's been so much fun and the tradition keeps on going! 

This year we went to Disneyland and we loved it! Andrew is the Disneyland master and when I first went to Disneyland with Andrew I wanted my family to experience Disneyland with him because he makes Disneyland magical! He knows how to work the Disneyland system; how to get on the most rides, the shows to see, the food to eat, everything!

Four years after that first time with Andrew, my we finally went as a family! And we were finally able to go to Star Wars Land and see the new Pixar Pier!

Thanksgiving day it poured rain the entire day! Just walking to the shuttle to take us the park our shoes got soaked! (we later learned to tie plastic bags around our socks and that trick worked wonders!) But even with the rain, we loved it! It was the day we laughed the most and the day we got on the most rides! 

^In line for the Star Wars ride and the boys thought this was so cool. My mom and I just got in the picture^

We did Splash Mountain twice because we figured we were already wet, so why not get on the wet rides then?
Plus we were poncho prepared which actually did help a lot. 

 ^If you can't tell my mom and I are soaked through!^ 

The next day there was no rain! We went a little slower today to enjoy all the small magic parts of Disneyland.
My family enjoyed looking at all the small details that make Disneyland an escape from reality. One of my
mom's favorites was Turtle Talk. It was so funny and it's good for adults and kids. 

One thing that I love about California is the people that I met while on my mission and it's so fun to see and catch
up with them. We didn't have a lot of opportunities to do that on this trip because we were in Disneyland for all 3 days,
but one of my friends, Shannon was able to stop by! I love her and she taught me so much on my mission.
It was so good to see her and she came on a few rides with us.

 ^Guardians of the Galaxy was one of our favorites^
(we are in the back and middle rows)

 ^One thing that I have wanted my family to see forever was the World of Color show. It's amazing the things
they can do with water, lights, movie projections, and some music. It was incredible and I loved hearing their reactions!^

Our final day in Disneyland started out with only Andrew and me. My parents had some errands to run,
and Blake wanted to sleep in. They did meet up with us later in the afternoon.

 ^Our favorite drink from Cars Land^

^We had asked Shannon what the best food in Disneyland was and she recommended the corn dogs
and I would have to agree + it's filling.^

^Blake really loved Star Wars land. He and my dad went to look around,
and just looking at stuff they were there for 2 hours!^

^Walt's apartment behind us.^

We left the park around 8:30 to get a head start on the drive back to Utah so we would not be doing it all in one day.
Disneyland, we love you. Thanks for the memories and the magic.

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